If you are here, you are family

The Lazer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created to benefit employees, former employees, and family members of Lazer Spot, Inc. Our mission is to empower individuals in communities we serve to enhance health, support family stability, and overcome financial hardship.
Grants are intended to be a gift, and repayment is not expected. However, if you feel inclined in the future and would like to help someone else, you may make a donation to the Foundation. It will be used to help someone else in need.

What kind of help is available?
Assistance from the Foundation is intended to be a one-time gift. In extraordinary circumstances, the Foundation may decide to help an individual or family more than one time, but that will be exceptional.
A grant from the Foundation is intended to bridge a gap, meaning that the Foundation should be able to foresee the possibility of individual or family stability due to the temporary relief the grant provides.
Who will see the information that I put on this form?
All information provided on the application will be kept as private as possible. Five committee members will review applications. You will be contacted if more information is needed.
If your request is approved, receiving funding may take up to two weeks. As much as possible, checks from the Foundation will be payable to utilities, landlords, etc., rather than to the individual or family requesting assistance.
Please fill in the application and submit it for processing.